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Remove YouTube logo in your site

Written By Debendra Subedi on Wednesday, April 16, 2014 | 10:28 PM

YouTube Logo
How to remove YouTube logo in blog or website you can just edit that embed script as described below.

Everyone wan to take their visitors within the Blog or Website.When the blog contain the you tube video
then You automatically ask them 'Watch this video on YouTube?'. So visitor may click that link and they will escape out from your blog and website. The removal of YouTube logo on the embed script on a blog post is another better things on Blogging. When we remove the YouTube logo on the blog post [video post] then our visitor can't go to YouTube side from that video clicking on the logo. To remove the YouTube logo/link from the embed video which is going to publish in your blog post you should complete the following steps.

1. Just add ?modestbranding=1 after the link of the YouTube video embed script.

for Example.

is to be modified as:

Example: The Original embed script shows the YouTube logo in video.

After edit the embed script the video looks like as below
10:28 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Add to Blog button code generator

Written By Debendra Subedi on Thursday, April 3, 2014 | 7:34 AM

Many of blogger wants to know how they make this add to blogger button . When i am new at blogging zone i think that the developer should register the widget at blogger but all is not that . Forget the unnecessary things now . To make a widget or to give a fix direction of widget is a different way and making a add to blogger button is a simplest way for developers. When you are going to be introducing your widget at post then Add To Blogger button is necessary for you to make your readers satisfied.

"Add to Blogger" Button Form Code Generator

Deben's Settings for Add to blogger code:

7:34 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Simple and SEO favourable blog template

Written By Debendra Subedi on Monday, June 10, 2013 | 5:14 AM

All of the world bloggers are want to post their article in best and SEO favorable template in blogging zone. It may be you also want same as like other . Are you ever think that your template is best template for blogging? And it is SEO favorable ?

Some of the Simple and free blog template provider introduce some templates which are not good for search engine. Something we should have to take care about our templates are as follows :
  • You should have to choose simple and white based template.
  • simple and quick loadable widget only should have to use.
  • Most  of the java script should not have to use inside the post.
  • No more advertisement placement before your post.
  • comment box should have a simple and useful.
  • the author introduction should not have to seen in the post page.
  • should not use unnecessary effects on blog.
Every one wants to introduce them with their unique and their dream blogs with top keywords in search engine. How many of them are successful?

One blog about Nepali Novels just give the information about Nepali literature and mostly simple and favorable to search engine but can't reach the visitor till now .Why? Every free template provider saying that the template is favorable of SEO . What happen with it they also don't know. Have you ever check your blog state in search engines?

This time to search a new template which is typical unique and impressible with good SEO techniques.
5:14 AM | 1 comments | Read More

How to make a custom feed subscribe box

Written By Debendra Subedi on Thursday, December 6, 2012 | 6:28 AM

If you want to grow your visitor then you should to focus in to the feeds of your blog posts . This is the returning visitor in to your blog and you know that how much valuable the returning visitor to make money with blog. We are just telling about the process to build up your feed submitting box with custom design .

 Look this picture of feeds subscribe system . This is very easy to make in your gadget area. You can offer with a impressive sentences to your readers to subscribe your feeds and to make them regular. Google is the world's largest feeds readers so their income is always high with a simple news and others information .

How to make a custom feed subscribe box?

1. Go to your template designer .
2 Click 'Edit HTML'.
3 Proceed this step and go to Expand Widget Templates.
4 Search <div id="sidebar-wrapper"> .
5 Replace this with the following code.

6 . Save it and watch your blog.

Note: You can replace this words and feed provider with your own .
FOR LIVE DEMO : Nepali Novels
6:28 AM | 27 comments | Read More
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